Friday, May 15, 2009

Technological constancy


I got sick last night. Slept barely 3 hours. Couldn't keep anything in. Feeling better today, but still... not all here. I had been wanting to lose some weight, though. I managed to go to meeting this morning, but sat in the dark mostly not-awake for about 2.5 hours this afternoon.

The next few weeks just aren't going to let up. But that's what I am here for, I suppose. That, or to be reliable in being reliably unreliable.

One of my buddies is coming over in a couple minutes, and we're going to play some Total Annihilation. We've both been geeked about this for a couple days. It's nice to know that in many ways, I don't change.

I really need to learn the language here. But I am going to have to dedicate time to do it, and I just can't, especially because I'm doing too much else.

1 comment:

nln said...

Yuck. Glad you are feeling better.