Disattenuated, Defenestration, or Disambiguated. You pick.
I may not always be able to speak in coherent sentences or spell my own name, but wow, can I parallel park.
Max. He's usually a good dog.
My yard, with me playing catch last weekend (the guy in the back is one of my housemates).
Some days, I should be banned from interacting with most people.
Some days, I should be able to get more done.
Some days, I should realize my shell is closing back in.
Instantiated by
at or around
10/28/2008 12:10:00 PM
Wow! Pictures on Russ's blog! :)
Max is very cute, and your yard is lovely with the roses and green grass. Good to see how YHWH's providing for your needs. You're still Remembered...
Max is ADORABLE!! :)
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