Saturday, August 16, 2008

Oh, to be complete.

The 400th post (that'd be this one) on this iteration of the blog contains thoughts from the end of the first day of school.

- I need to do laundry.

- Power Converters here that want to have 'Indoor Use Only' make me laugh. We're in Kabul, I don't think anything on this campus qualifies as most people's definition of 'indoor.'

- As I walk down the uneven stairs in a dark school building, long after hours (yeah, I'm working late. Too much to get done.), I wonder for not the first time, "What would the thoughts be of the first person to find me, lying here in a heap at the bottom of the stairs tomorrow morning?"

- I'm being a hermit and I don't care.

- I am such a waste of space here.

- I want a Ballpark Frank smothered in Ketchup.

- I am a weakling who just wants to cry sometimes.

- I hope someone else has a plan for me here, because I have no idea what I am doing here.

- I wish I could change.

- There are so many new kids here, I wonder how long it will take me to learn their names?

- Why do I have to be the person who has this dual relationship between getting stuff done and not wanting to step on anyone's toes?

- If this was over, I would be happy.

- Peace and knees belong on the same place.

- I have more and less than I ever thought possible.

- I wish people would invite me to do something, but I don't want to watch a movie.

- I want to know where home is.

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