Friday, September 05, 2008

Tired radials

I've got so much work to do tomorrow, I need to get into 'get stuff done' mode right away. I also need to make a good prioritization/task list.

Sometimes I wonder why I'm here. Sometimes I don't see it at all. Other times, I realize that I'm not just here to do my job, but I'm here to be who I was meant to be.

I'm farther away than I need to be, and I must begin fixing this.

I played volleyball for a couple hours today. I got in one awesome spike and one great block, and a ton of terrible sets.

I watched one of my favorite movies while I ate Afghan versions of a Hamburger, fries and a coke. Then we chatted for a while about our lives.

I threw candy at the walkers.

I'm really not as self-centered as my blog makes me sound, I just have a time talking about my friends without using names or much real identification.

I hate how dry my skin gets here.

I want to grow up.

I wake up and wonder where I am sometimes. Then I remember. So wash my eyes, clothes, my skin, my bones... I'm not forgotten.

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