Hydrodynamics. Tax codes. One of these was invented by God, the other by a Java programmer.
Disattenuated, Defenestration, or Disambiguated. You pick.
I may not always be able to speak in coherent sentences or spell my own name, but wow, can I parallel park.
Hydrodynamics. Tax codes. One of these was invented by God, the other by a Java programmer.
Instantiated by
at or around
4/07/2011 10:07:00 PM
1 responses (you can leave one!)
Why do I have 9 followers, and I only can I identify 3 of them? Who are the 6 random people from all over the world that follow me, and why is 5% of my traffic from Russia? Oh, right, on that one.
Anyway, I have learned a lot in the last few weeks. Eventually I may be able to even tell you.
Instantiated by
at or around
4/05/2011 10:21:00 PM
responses (you can leave one!)